• Which High School do you attend?
  • What are you interested in?
  • Which pathway works for you?
  • Step 04


  • Step 01

    Which High School do you attend?

    Burney Jr/Sr High School

  • Step 02

    What are you interested in?

    Pathway Placeholder

  • Step 03

    Which pathway works for you?

    Stand Alone Courses

  • Step 04


Register Today!

Never taken a Dual Enrollment or Shasta College Course Before? Start Here! 

Step 1: Apply to Shasta College

Fill out an online application for Shasta College and become a college student: Apply Now. Be sure to complete the application in its entirety and be on the lookout for a Welcome email from Shasta College. 

Already have a Shasta College account? Move to step 2. 


Step 2: Complete your One-Time Special Admit Parent Agreement Form

All high school students will only be required to submit a One-Time Special Admit Parent Agreement for all community colleges taken during their high school career.

Step 4: Register in MyShasta

Once all forms have been submitted and your registration date has arrived, you can login to MyShasta and register for your courses.

Meet with Dual Enrollment Counselor Chase Brown

Counseling appointments for Dual Enrollment students.