Published July 28, 2018

DATE:       July 26, 2018, 8:05pm

CONTACT: Andree Blanchier, 530-242-7510, Peter Griggs, 530-242-7514,


REDDING, CA  –  Effective immediately Shasta College has been designated as an Evacuation Center for any families or individuals displaced by the Carr fire. In coordination with the American Red Cross, the Shasta College Cafeteria (primary location) and Gymnasium (secondary location) are setup and staffed to provide temporary housing for anyone who has had to evacuate their home due to the fires in our area. Please use the Shasta College Redding Campus North Entrance (map attached) and follow the signs to the North Parking lot. From there you will be directed to the Cafeteria for check-in. Food and water will be available.

For large farm animals (not house pets such as dogs and cats) the Shasta College Farm is prepared to accept a limited number of animals on a first-come, first-served basis. Prior to coming to the farm with your animals please call us at 530-518-1024 to make sure we have the resources needed for what you have. Please proceed to the main South entrance (the one with the electronic sign) and follow the signs to the Shasta College Farm.

For any medical needs or issues please visit or contact your closest emergency care provider or call 9-1-1.

For additional information or specific needs please contact Andree Blanchier at 530-242-7510 or, or Peter Griggs at 530-242-7514 or