Published August 25, 2021

Greetings Shasta College Students,

We are excited to host a Shasta County Public Health vaccine clinic on the Redding Main campus, building 800, room 821, on Monday, August 30, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and Tuesday, August 31, 2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. The clinic is free and open to all Shasta College students, staff, and faculty age 18+ and is available on a walk-in basis with no appointment necessary. Single-dose Johnson and Johnson or first-dose Moderna vaccines will be available to be administered.

The district highly encourages any student, staff, or faculty member who is currently unvaccinated to consider taking advantage of this convenient opportunity. Help stop the rise in COVID cases our county is experiencing. Questions can be directed to Shasta County HHSA, (530) 245-7890, or Shasta College Campus Safety at 242-7910. In addition, anyone interested in learning more about the vaccines may reference

The classroom where the vaccines will be administered is located in a building where active instruction in other rooms occurs. Therefore, per district policy, loud conversations and group gatherings must remain outside the building to benefit the other students attending class.

Together we can protect the most vulnerable in our community and ensure our in-person instruction and operations continue unimpeded for this semester and future semesters.

Thank you,
Campus Safety

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