Published April 7, 2020

The Shasta College Foundation is excited to announce the financial support of the Redding Chamber of Commerce and the United Way to help Shasta College students as they struggle to cope with, and overcome, the significant obstacles faced in pursuit of their higher education goals. On March 30, 2020, the Redding Chamber of Commerce contributed $10,000 from the Frank J. Strazzarino Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund to the Shasta College “Survive and Thrive” Student Scholarship Fund. The United Way of Northern California donated $8,000 to the “Survive and Thrive” Student Fund on March 31, 2020. The “Survive and Thrive” fund was established by the Shasta College Foundation to help any Shasta College student experiencing a significant and compelling need that was impacting their ability to stay enrolled and engaged in their studies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eva Jimenez, Executive Director of the Shasta College Foundation, commented on the recent contribution to the “Survive and Thrive” fund from the Chamber of Commerce and United Way, “In the last 2 years Shasta College students have collectively experienced some of the greatest challenges faced such as fires, snowstorms, global pandemics…yet, our students still struggle on and sacrifice many of life’s essentials to be able to attend class and earn their degrees. We are honored to accept the contributions from our community partners, the Chamber of Commerce and the United Way, and we look forward to being able to help our students complete their studies this semester due in large part to these contributions.”

The Shasta College Foundation “Survive and Thrive” student fund will help with school supplies, materials, laptops as well as basic life necessities such as food, transportation (gas cards, bus passes), and clothing. Full or part-time (over 9 units) students may apply. The Shasta College Foundation has a link on their website for any members of the college or local communities that want to contribute to the success of a student. For complete information about the fund and how to apply students should visit the website at