Michael Booth
Campus Safety Officer I - HSUP Campus
Michael worked for the Shasta County Coroner’s Office from 1989 until 2009 as a Deputy Coroner Investigator. During his years at the Coroner’s Office, some of the more interesting classes he attended were: Death Investigation, Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction, Behavior Analysis Investigative Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques, Patterned Bloodshed Interpretation, Latent Print Identification and Comparisons, Advanced Cognitive Interviewing and Forensic Statement Analysis and Pathology of Wounds. Michael also became a nationally recognized Registered Medicolegal Death Investigator.
He came out of retirement and began working as armed security for a local firm and a local school district. For the last three years he worked as a Security Supervisor for Win-River Resort and Casino. He now looks forward to working with Shasta College and learning a new phase in the security field.