
  • Are You #VoteReady?

    It’s National Voter Registration Day on September 28, 2021. Student Life and Student Senate will be in the Cafeteria (information booth) on September 28th, from 10:00 am-1:00 pm. We will have voter registration packets available for students.

  • Knight Life Monthly Newsletter - August 2020

    Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester! For those of you new to Shasta College this is the Knight Life monthly newsletter produced by the Office of Student Life. The newsletter is packed full of important information, engagement opportunities, and more!

  • Shasta College Fall Classes Start Online August 17

    Shasta College courses for the fall semester will commence on August 17, with most being held online. Shasta College decided to move the majority of fall classes online back in May 2020 in response to the national pandemic and out of concern for student…

  • Fresh Success Grant

    $13.5K Foundation for California Community College's Grant

  • Graduation Filing Period

    Apply for Graduation Now! If you intend to get your degree in Summer ’19 or Fall ’19 you must apply prior to your final semester, February 4th – March 29th. In order to qualify for your degree you must have:

    All required coursework completed by the…

  • Smoke/Tobacco Free Shasta College

    A new decade, new resolutions, and one new change heading into our Spring semester—all Shasta College campuses will be going smoke/tobacco free! Effective January 1st for all Shasta College campuses no smoking, vaping, or use of any tobacco products will…