The Hub is a Basic Needs Resource Center where students can connect to campus and community resources that support essential life needs and the pursuit of your education goals. The Hub helps students navigate unexpected critical need in the semester, connecting students to food services, housing resources, transportation supports, financial assistance and other basic needs resources.
The Hub hosts and coordinates the Shasta Knight Food Pantry on the main campus, as well as the food pantries at all extended ed sites.
Contact the Hub
Fill out The Hub Interest Form to be connected with one of our knowledgeable specialists.
Tutoring, counseling, support programs and learning tools to help students meet their academic goals.
Local childcare resources and after school programs to support parenting students.
Navigation assistance with campus and community financial assistance programs, including emergency assistance for unexpected needs during the semester.
Easy to access healthy supplemental food for students facing food insecurities, including food pantries, CalFresh and emergency food assistance.
Programs to support students facing housing insecurities and transitional and emergency housing programs to serve unhoused students.
Campus and community resources to support healthy minds and bodies, including free services available to students at the Shasta College Health & Wellness Center.
Access to free or affordable textbooks, materials, laptops and wifi to support students’ academic goals.
Free RABA passes for students as well as other public transportation assistance, including programs that assist with car repair and transportation needs.