The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District (District) invites all licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm to the District for inclusion on the District's 2020 calendar year list of qualified bidders for the District's informally bid projects (Qualified Bidders List) under the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA). The CUPCCAA bidding limit for 2020 applies to projects of $200,000 or less. Contractors on the Qualified Bidders List will have the ability to submit informal bids for both Measure H bond projects and general District projects.

Interested contractors must complete and electronically submit the District's Informal Bidding Qualified Bidders List Application (Informal Bidding Application) to be considered for inclusion on the Qualified Bidders List. The Informal Bidding Application may be accessed through the link provided below.

Completed Informal Bidding Applications may be submitted electronically at any time during the 2020 calendar year, and must be submitted to Within thirty (30) days of a contractor's electronic submittal, the District will notify the contractor of its inclusion on the Qualified Bidders List. All contractors on the Qualified Bidders List for the trade(s) required for an upcoming project will receive an invitation to submit an informal bid.

The District will update the Qualified Bidders List throughout each calendar year; however, contractors must annually submit the Informal Bidding Application at the end of each calendar year for inclusion on the next year's Qualified Bidders List.