Shasta College students share their talents and interests by participating in extracurricular clubs and organizations. There is a wide choice of special interest and departmental campus clubs and student organizations for students to join.
To find out how to organize a new club or student organization or how to join an existing one, contact Student Life at or call (530) 242-7743.

Interested in starting a club?

Fill out the application to form or renew a student club / organization. You can also learn more by reading the club manual.

View Clubs Procedures Manual - Text Only (Word Doc)

Alphabetical Listing of Shasta's Clubs & Organizations

Agriculture Leadership Club

Status Active 2022/2023
Purpose Professional development and advocacy for the agriculture industry.
Advisors Audra Harl
Phone (530) 242-2209
Email ​​

Auto Club (formerly SCRAM)

​Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose To enhance and facilitate the education of auto mechanics to individuals who have an interest in the automotive industry; to expand the interest of Automotive Technology to Shasta College students and the general public; to network, socialize, make new friends, and have a positive voice on campus; to share our automotive interest with the public and fellow students through various automotive events, gatherings, and meetings.
Advisors Dan Bryant
Phone (530) 242-2211

Business Club (formerly Accounting Club)

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose​ The Shasta College Business Club is a group of Shasta College Students and faculty dedicated to working with like-minded members of our community to better understand the professional role of our industry in society. Our main goal is to develop professional business specific skills and network with industry partners to enhance our understanding of our future role in the industry and our community as a whole.
Advisors Juanne Van Der Linde
​Phone (530) 242-2253

Dental Hygiene

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose The Dental Hygiene Class of 2025 purpose is to make decisions for all class activities including graduation, fundraising, and community outreach. We plan to facilitate all group planning meetings to ensure the unity of our class.
Advisors Kristi Hughes / Megan Bonnin
Phone (530) 227-4452 / (530) 339-3617
Email /

Diesel 4x4 Club

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose To provide students and members an opportunity to further education and make an impact on the community by utilizing local resources to host public events in which all proceeds benefit the Diesel Technology program students through multiple scholarships.
Advisor Ishmael Rivas
Phone (530) 242-2354

Early Childhood Network Education

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose The Shasta College Early Childhood Educators Network is a group of ECE students and faculty dedication to elevating the ECE field and working with the community to better understand the professional development role of our industry to serve the children, families, and the community in which we live in.
Advisors Jeanne Veich / Beverly Charsha
Phone (530) 242-7616 / (530) 242-7609
​Email /

Expedition Club

Contact Info
Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose The Expedition club Shasta College Student Chapter is a group of Shasta College Students and faculty working towards fund raising for field biology expeditions.
Advisors Susannah Fulton
Phone (530) 242-2326

Fire Technology Club

Status Active 2023/2024
​Purpose To raise awareness of the club and fundraise for its operations.
Advisors Dejon Slape
​Phone (530) 242-7563

Geo-Adventure Club

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose To provide support to local and global communities through the application of geospatial technologies, while developing workplace experience, resources, and prospects.
Advisor Dan Scollon
Phone (530) 242-2314

Golf Club

Contact Info
Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose To provide a place for Shasta College Students who enjoy the game of golf to make new friends and further develop their skills in the game well enjoy. All skill levels are welcome to join, and all golfers play at their own risk.
Advisors Christopher Kutras
Phone (530) 242-2237

Heavy Equipment Operations Club

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose Unify members involved in the heavy equipment certification and raise money for the program’s club.
Advisors Pete Dickerson / Jonas Lindblom / Troy Towery
Phone (530) 242-2356 / (530) 242-2352 / (530) 242-2204
​Email / /

Horticulture Club

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose Promote interest in horticulture and offer educational opportunities to students at Shasta College.
​Advisor Leimone Waite
Phone ​(530) 242-2210
Email ​

Intervarsity Fellowship

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose The purpose of the Chapter is to establish and advance at Shasta College witnessing communities and students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture and God’s purposes in the world.
Advisor Rachelle Sugimoto
Phone (530) 242-2331
Email ​
Learn More You can learn more and connect with the club on Instagram at @shasta.iv

Japanese Club

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose Shasta College Tennis Club Chapter is a group of Shasta College students and faculty dedicated to working with the community to promote the popularity of tennis by having a better understanding of the benefits that tennis can have for physical health and social emotional health.
Advisor Yoshiko Zimmerman
Phone (530) 242-7730

Logging Sports Club

Status Active 2023/2024
​Purpose To promote a positive image of the logging industry, strengthen professional contacts amongst industry partners, and demonstrate safe, fun and educational experiences with students and the general public, through the use of logging sports competitions.
Advisors Pete Dickerson / Jonas Lindblom / Troy Towery
Phone (530) 242-2356 / (530) 242-2352 / (530) 242-2204
​Email / /

Phi Theta Kappa - Beta Mu Mu Chapter (PTK) | Student Honor Society Organization

​Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose a. The purpose of the Beta Mu Mu Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Shasta College shall be the promotion of scholarship, the development of leadership and service and the cultivation of fellowship among qualified students of the college.
Advisor Onica Mello
Phone (530) 242-7661
​Email /
Learn More You can learn more and connect with the club on Instagram at @shastacollegeptk

Shasta College Tennis Club

Status Last Active 2023/2024
Purpose Shasta College Tennis Club Chapter is a group of Shasta College students and faculty dedicated to working with the community to promote the popularity of tennis by having a better understanding of the benefits that tennis can have for physical health and social emotional health.
Advisor Heidi Lee
Phone ​(530) 949-3830

Student Art Alliance

Contact Info
Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose To increase awareness among students along with the public of all that the Art Department offers community participation along with students and academic advisors. This club will also function as a means to unite non-Art majors and Art majors alike with the common goal of creating and learning various things within the Art world.
Advisors Andrew Patterson / Susan Schimke / David Gentry
Phone (530) 242-2371 / (530) 242-2373 / (530) 242-2370
Email / /

Student Senate | Student Government Organization

Status Active 2023/2024
​Purpose To represent students of Shasta College; to provide a vehicle for shared governance, student input, and participation in the affairs and activities of Shasta College as provided by the Education Code of the State of California. The Student Senate functions for the good of the students to promote concerns and policies pertaining to the students of Shasta College and encourage student development and leadership.
Advisor Erin O'Loughlin
Phone (530) 242-7621

Veterans Club

Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose To instill pride in our members through engagement in service to fellow members and community, all the while fostering patriotism and respect for those who have served and continue to serve.
Advisors Pete Dickerson / Dhabih Hendershot
Phone (530) 242-2356 / (530) 242-2265
Email /

Welding & Machine Club

​Status Active 2023/2024
Purpose The Shasta College Welding & Machining Club is a group of Shasta College students, faculty, and staff dedicated to working with the community to better understand the professional role welding and machining in our society.
Advisors Jason Davis / Rick Osbrink
Phone (530) 242-2216 / (530) 242-2268
Email /

Some of the most recent dormant clubs

If you are interested in starting this club again please contact Student Life at (530) 242-7743 or

  • Administration of Justice Club (AOJ)
  • A.P.B. STEM Club (Anatomy, Physiology, Biology)
  • Association of General Contractors Club
  • Business Leadership Club
  • Chess Club
  • Culinary Club
  • Disabilities Awareness Club
  • Food and Film Club
  • GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance)
  • Hispanic Latino/a/x Initiative Club
  • HIT PROS Club
  • Knight's Student Athletes
  • Latinas Unidas Networking Alliance Club
  • League of Legends Club
  • Model United Nations Club
  • N.A.T.I.V.E. Club
  • Natural Resources Club
  • Nerd Club
  • Pep Band
  • Project Dance
  • Puente Club
  • Recording and Performing Arts Club
  • Rodeo Club
  • Rotaract
  • Science Club
  • Shasta College Philosophical Society
  • Shasta College Student for Life
  • Social Work and Human Services
  • Technology Club T.O.R.C.H. "Teaching Others Responsibility, Compassion and Hope"
  • Theatre for Action Club (Formerly: Drama Club)
  • Veterans Club
  • Vocational Nursing Club
  • Writing Club

Last updated January 2024

Student Life

Contact Info
Location 2318
Mailing Shasta College Attn: Student Life | 11555 Old Oregon Trail​ | P.O. Box 496006 | Redding, CA 960049-6006
Office Hours Monday - Friday | 9:0​0 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
*Please Note: Contact us if you are not able to visit in-person during these hours.