Drug-Free Campus Policies
Shasta College has adopted a policy that requires students and employees to assist in maintaining a campus environment free from the effects of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.
Shasta College is concerned about the health and welfare of its students and employees. It recognizes alcohol/drug dependency as an illness and a major health problem. The College also adheres to local, state and federal laws regarding substance abuse and strives to create a healthy and productive academic, work, and social environment. The abuse of alcohol and drugs raises not only serious health issues for those involved, but also can lead to accidents, poor productivity, property damage, and even personal injury. In compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, as well as the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act, Shasta College has adopted a policy that requires students and employees to assist in maintaining a campus environment free from the effects of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.
Students are prohibited from the following when attending classes, when attending any College-sponsored activity or program regardless of location, while on campus, or while in any vehicle used for College business.
Similarly, employees are prohibited from the following when reporting for work, while on the job or performing job-related functions regardless of location, while attending any College-related activity, while on campus, or while in any vehicle used for College business.
Specifically, students and employees are prohibited from the following:
- The unlawful use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale or other distribution of an illegal or controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, or the misuse of or distribution to anyone other than the person to whom prescribed, of any prescription drug.
- The unauthorized use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale or other distribution of alcohol.
- Being impaired by alcohol regardless of blood alcohol level, or having a blood alcohol level over the legal limit, whether visibly impaired or not.
- Having a detectable amount of an illegal or controlled substance in the blood or urine (whether visibly impaired or not), or abuse of any controlled substance or prescription medication.
Shasta College Policies and Procedures
- The unlawful use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale or other distribution of an illegal or controlled substance or drug paraphernalia, or the misuse of or distribution to anyone other than the person to whom prescribed, of any prescription drug.
- The unauthorized use, possession, transportation, manufacture, sale or other distribution of alcohol.
- Being impaired by alcohol regardless of blood alcohol level, or having a blood alcohol level at or over the legal limit, whether visibly impaired or not.
- Having a detectable amount of an illegal or controlled substance in the blood or urine (whether visibly impaired or not), or abuse of any controlled substance or prescription medication.
Shasta College has a responsibility to its students and employees to provide a safe and healthful environment. Research findings show that smoking and the breathing of secondhand smoke, as well as the use of smokeless tobacco (chew) and exposure to tobacco spit in any District owned or leased property, constitute a significant health hazard. To enable the College to fulfill this responsibility, Shasta College has imposed the following restrictions:
- No use of tobacco products is permitted within any College-owned and/or leased facility.
- No use of tobacco products is permitted on the grounds of any college-operated athletic field or facility.
- No use of tobacco products is permitted in College-owned vehicles. The sale of tobacco products on all College-owned and/or leased property is prohibited.
- Use of tobacco products on College-owned or leased property is permitted only in special designated areas which are set aside for smoking purposes and are removed from all buildings and major pathways.
The Shasta College campus has been designated as drug-free and only under certain circumstances is the consumption of alcohol permitted. The possession, sale, manufacture or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under both state and federal laws. Such laws are strictly enforced by the College’s Campus Safety department. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fine and imprisonment. It is unlawful to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age in a public place or a place open to the public is illegal. It is also a violation of this policy for anyone to consume or possess alcohol in any public or private area of campus without prior College approval. Organizations or groups violating alcohol or substance policies or laws may be subject to sanctions by the College.
Specific guidelines regarding events or circumstances in which prior approval for the presence of alcohol may be granted are provided in AP 3560. In all cases, the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction, the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Administrative Services, or the Superintendent/President must authorize the requesting party’s acquisition, possession, use, sale, or consumption of alcohol on campus, or for campus-sponsored events, as specified in the administrative procedure. Events deemed “Special Events” must receive the permission of the Board of Trustees to be held in order for the presence of alcohol at the event to be approved.
Shasta College is committed to maintaining a teaching and learning environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, personal integrity and positive self-esteem. The intent of the Standards of Conduct is to define a collegiate standard of behavior, and BP/AP 5520 describes the actions to be taken if a person disregards this standard. As such, the College’s standards of conduct clearly prohibit the illegal use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or controlled substances, or public intoxication.
The entire Shasta College Standards of Conduct and the Student Discipline policy describing due process (other than for academic discipline) is located on the College’s website at https://www.shastacollege.edu/about/leadership-organization/board-of-trustees/board-policies-administrative-procedures/. The Standards of Conduct policy also appears in the College Catalog, and copies are available in the Admissions & Records Office.