Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
Introduction to Faculty and Staff Diversity
The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (Plan) was adopted by the Governing Board on June 12, 2019. The Plan reflects the District's commitment to equal employment opportunity. It is the District's belief that taking active and vigorous steps to ensure equal employment opportunity and creating a working and academic environment that is welcoming to all, will foster diversity, promote excellence, and provide a positive student learning experience.
Through an inclusive educational environment, our students will be better prepared to work and live in an increasingly global society. The Plan's immediate focus is equal employment opportunity in its recruitment and hiring policies and practices pursuant to applicable Title 5 Regulations (Sections 53000 et seq.) and the steps the District shall take to make progress in achieving a diverse workforce. The Plan contains an analysis of whether under-representation of monitored groups exists. It includes establishment of an Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, methods to support equal employment opportunity and an environment which is welcoming to all, and procedures for dissemination of the Plan.
The Plan also includes the requirements for a complaint procedure for noncompliance with the Title 5 provisions relating to equal employment opportunity programs and complaint procedures in instances of unlawful discrimination. To properly serve a growing diverse population and to promote a positive student learning environment, the District will endeavor to hire and retain faculty and staff who are sensitive to, and knowledgeable of, the needs of the continually changing student body it serves.
To review the entire Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, please view the following link:
Shasta College Equal Employment Opportunity Plan - As of May 31, 2019 (PDF)
Advisory Committee
The District Equal Employment Opportunity Committee is established as an advisory body to the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and the District as a whole to promote understanding and support of equal employment policies and procedures. The Committee shall assist in developing and implementing the Plan in compliance with state and federal statues, regulations and guidelines, monitoring equal employment opportunity, and providing revisions to the Plan as appropriate. To the extent possible, the membership of the Committee shall include people of diverse backgrounds, including ethnic minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. The Committee includes:
- Two representatives of the classified staff recommended by CSEA.
- Two faculty representatives recommended by the Academic Senate.
- Two administrators appointed by the Superintendent/President.
- One student recommended by the Student Senate.
- Six faculty or staff members: one each recommended by the faculty and staff of each Instructional Division.
- Additional members from the community-at-large from underrepresented groups may be appointed by the Superintendent/President.
Committee Members shall serve three-year terms on a rotating basis to provide continuity to the Committee from year to year. The Superintendent shall annually appoint the Chair or Co-Chairs of the Committee from among the campus committee members.
Functions of the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
The Committee members shall receive training in all of the following:
- applicable Title 5 regulations
- state and federal nondiscrimination laws
- the educational benefits of workforce diversity
- the identification and elimination of bias in hiring decisions
- the role of the Committee in carrying out the District's Plan
The responsibilities of the Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:
- review and advise on recruitment efforts, job announcements, interview protocols, retention efforts, and other aspects of the hiring, retention, and promotion processes that impact the District's ability to attract and retain a diverse faculty and staff
- advise on implementing the District's obligation to hire faculty, staff, and administrators with a demonstrated sensitivity to, and understanding of, the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability and ethnic backgrounds of community college students
- promote the retention and inclusion of underrepresented employees
- promote communication with community groups and organizations for people with disabilities
- develop communication protocols and practices across departments to foster understanding of the Plan
- advise the Superintendent/President regarding special training or staff development needs
- retain copies of all complaints, even those that are not taken action upon, so that they may be reviewed for trends and/or steps for improvements
- Review statistical analyses of underrepresentation and adverse impact and determine potential good faith efforts to resolve identified issues and achieve greater workforce diversity 29
- review the Plan and monitor its progress
- recommend changes needed in the Plan
- review and approve the annual written report to the Superintendent/President, the Board of Trustees, and the State Chancellor's Office