Natural Resources
This curriculum is designed to provide technician-level training for students interested in working in such areas as wildlife, forestry, range, and outdoor recreation. Typical employers include local, county, and U.S. Government agencies, as well as private companies.
Degrees / Certificates
Map your education by viewing the Academic Plan for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.
Agriculture: Forest Science and Technology (AS)
Agriculture: Natural Resources (AS)
Agriculture: Natural Resources (Low Unit C)
Shasta College Forestry Tour 2021

Join Shasta College Forestry and Natural Resources instructor Melissa Markee as she talks about and tours the Shasta College Forestry and Natural Resources Department.
Transferring for Bachelor’s Degree
Ready to transfer for a 4-year university or college or want to stay local? Our Transfer Center and BOLD staff are here to guide you!