Published May 26, 2022

To the Shasta College Community:

It sure was nice to see our community gather and celebrate our students at graduation last Friday night.  A huge thank you goes out to all involved, especially student services for their great coordination, as well as physical plant, campus safety, and food services.  It is a real team effort and it went very smoothly.  

Additional Success Stories

In addition to the great success of commencement, I have a couple of other things to share.

First, I am excited to announce that we have been successful in landing the largest competitive grant in Shasta College’s history!  Dr. Kevin O’Rorke and the North State Together team led a regional effort to apply for the K-16 Collaborative grant from the State (for a lot of details on the objectives of the grant, see NST’s K-16 Education Collaborate overview and learn about the DGS’ Regional K-16 Education Collaboratives Grant Program Funding. This major grant had many involved, both internally and from other institutions.  We received word that we have been awarded $18.13 million to expand the work of North State Together, both in the five counties currently being served (Shasta, Tehama, Trinity, Modoc, and Siskiyou) and into five additional counties (Butte, Glenn, Sierra, Lassen, and Plumas).  We have worked to partner with the other community colleges in the region (Butte, Feather River, Lassen and College of the Siskiyous) as well as CSU Chico and UC Davis on this grant. This will be a major effort over the next five years, and it speaks to the leadership role Shasta College is playing being recognized by our peer institutions.  

Second, I am pleased to announce that the grant application for the 5-year renewal of our TRIO Upward Bound program was approved.  Congratulations to Sue Huizinga and her team for their successful work in this program.  I don’t have all the facts for certain, but I believe this is the 6th round of funding for this program, which first started in the 1990s. Well done TRIO team!

OK – with all that good news being shared, I want to wish you all a restful weekend and a great holiday on Monday.  Thanks for being part of the great work we do in serving our students and our region!

Joe Wyse
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96049-6006