Shasta College encourages all students and employees to promptly report incidents, crimes, or concerning behaviors in order for the campus to help prevent future incidents or crimes. Additionally, by promptly reporting, Shasta College can better assist individuals and connect them to resources.  

Please use the online forms (linked in each section) to report crimes, incidents, and concerning behavior.

File a report: File an Incident/Campus Safety Report (Online Form)

Use this form to make a statement of fact about any alleged action, Civil or Criminal, related to incidents against a person and/or property. Report any unlawful activity, unusual or a violation of Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District policies that occurs to an individual currently on or off campus. This report could initiate a Campus Safety investigation. The law enforcement having jurisdiction may be notified if the crime occurs on or off campus.

File a report: File an Anonymous Report (Online Form)

This form is used when a reporting person requests that his/her name or other identifiable information not be shared with the accused or that no formal action be taken. The College will balance this request with its dual obligation to provide a safe and non‐discriminatory environment for all College community members and to remain true to principles of fundamental fairness that require notice and an opportunity to respond before action is taken against a Respondent (an accused person).

The College will take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with the request for confidentiality or request not to pursue an investigation, but its ability to do so may be limited based on the nature of the request by the Complainant. Where the College is unable to take action consistent with the request of the Complainant, the Campus Safety Director, Title IX Coordinator or a member of the Title IX team will inform the Complainant about the chosen course of action, which may include the College seeking disciplinary action against a Respondent or / person(s).  Alternatively, the course of action may also include steps to limit the effects of the alleged harassment or incident (s) and prevent its recurrence that do not involve formal disciplinary action against a Respondent / person(s) or revealing the identity of the Complainant.

Campus Security Authorities (CSA's) may use this confidential reporting form. The Campus Security Authority (CSA) is to document as much of the requested information on the form regarding the incident and involved parties. CSA reports should include personally identifying information if available. This is important for law enforcement purposes and to avoid double counting crimes. If a victim doesn’t want the report to go any further than the CSA, the CSA should explain that he or she is required to submit the report for statistical purposes, but it can be submitted without identifying the victim.

File a report: File a Title IX Report (Online Form)

*Please visit video settings for subtitles available in English and Spanish.

This form is used if you have experienced sexual and gender‐based harassment, sexual violence, stalking and/or intimate partner violence.

Shasta College is committed to creating an education and working environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The safety and well‐being of the campus community is a priority for the College. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs, including athletic programs, or activities that receive federal funding.  

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”  

The Shasta College Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to sexual and gender‐based harassment, sexual violence, stalking and intimate partner violence.  

If you have experienced sexual and gender‐based harassment, sexual violence, stalking and/or intimate partner violence, please know that it is not your fault and you are not alone. The campus and community are here to support you. The College encourages all community members to make a prompt report of any incident of sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking or intimate partner violence to local law enforcement and the College. Sexual Misconduct may include incidents between any members of the District community, including faculty, staff, students, student employees, volunteers, and non-student or non-employee participants in District programs. Sexual harassment may occur in hierarchical relationships, between peers or between individuals of the same sex.  

Some examples of harassing behavior​ include, but are not limited to:    

  • ​​​Insults, name-calling, and offensive jokes; 
  • Intimidating words or actions; 
  • Unwelcome or inappropriate touching; 
  • Sexually suggestive remarks or gestures; 
  • Unsolicited pornographic materials; 
  • Obscene messages (via text or computer); 
  • Pressure for sexual activity or a date; and 
  • Sexual assault and rape   

Please review the Shasta College Guide to Title IX (PDF) for more information.

File a report: File a Concerning Behavior-Behavioral Intervention Resource Team Report (Online Form)

*Please visit video settings for subtitles available in English and Spanish.

This form is used for faculty, staff, students and others to refer an individual who may be struggling with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may be exhibiting concerning behavior. 

The Shasta College BIRT is a member of NaBITA, the National Behavioral Intervention Team Association As such, our vision is to make our campuses and workplaces safer environments where development, education, and caring intervention are fostered and encouraged.  

Whether it is to combat bullying, prevent violence, support individuals with disabilities, empower the success of those suffering from mental health challenges, or assist those who are in crisis, our members are joined in common purpose and exploration of best practices.

Faculty, staff, students, and others may refer a student who may be struggling with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may be exhibiting concerning behavior. Students referred will be contacted and offered assistance by Undergraduate Academic Services and/or the Office of the Dean of Students. Your concern will be routed to the appropriate office depending on the nature of the concern as described in the report.

While no fields on the form are required, we appreciate complete information where available. Referrals made using this form do not violate student privacy rights.

File a report: File a Standards of Conduct Violation Report (Online Form)

This form is used to file a violation of the Standards of Conduct such as academic dishonesty. 

The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District's Standards of Conduct Policy is that students and visitors to a Shasta College campus are expected to obey all California State laws and all Federal laws which pertain to behavior on a college campus. To see the full list of standards, visit our Board Policy (BP) 5500

File a report: File a Student Comment Report (Online Form)

Students who have a concern, complaint, or compliment about their Shasta College experience should complete this form. Students should allow 10 business days to receive a written response to their feedback through the email provided. The college is unable to provide a written response to anonymous feedback.​

File a report: File a Title V Report (Online Form)

*Please visit video settings for subtitles available in English and Spanish.

This form is used to file a report of discrimination based on race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

It is the policy of the District to provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination.  The District is committed to equal opportunity in educational programs, employment, and access to institutional programs and activities. 

The District, and each individual who represents the District, shall provide access to its services, classes, and programs without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or because he or she is perceived to have one or more of the foregoing characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.  

The District forbids and will not tolerate any form of discrimination and has enacted administrative procedures to assure equal opportunity and to recognize and eliminate violations of this policy in accordance with Title V regulations and those of other agencies that administer state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination.  It is both illegal and prohibited by this policy to retaliate against any individual for filing a complaint or participating in an investigation.   

The Superintendent/President shall establish administrative procedures that ensure all members of the college community can present complaints regarding alleged violations of this policy and have their complaints heard in accordance with the Title V regulations and those of other agencies that administer state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination.

These forms are powered by Maxient, a software program that will serve as an integral component in helping identify students in distress and coordinate the efforts of various departments to provide follow-up.

These forms are powered by Maxient, a software program that will serve as an integral component in helping identify students in distress and coordinate the efforts of various departments to provide follow-up.