Published December 3, 2021

To the Shasta College Community:

We are into December, and the final weeks of the term.  If you are feeling similar to me, it is a satisfying time of the academic year, as we see student completing projects and assignments, yet it comes with some level of exhaustion.  So I encourage everyone to dig deep to get through the end of the semester and find it within ourselves to have the extra patience needed to assist our students and each other to finish strong. 

Success Stories

I just want to give a quick congratulations to two areas that recently had successful grant applications.  First, to our Forest Management/HELO  area – congratulation to the team lead by Becky Roe for landing the Shasta County RAC grant from the Forest Service.  Details of the grant can be viewed in item 5.10 of the November board agenda. Secondly, congratulations to Kate Mahar and the North State Together team for landing a $75,000 from the S. H Cowell Foundation.  This grant will be administered though the Shasta College Foundation, and the purpose is to help build community through locally designed DEI training, coaching and capacity building work in the collective impact network that North State Together serves. 

COVID-19 updates

One of the questions our EOC for the district often receives is around our HVAC systems and filtering of air.  I asked Andy Brown, our Physical Plant Director to give me an update on this topic to share with everyone, as I know we have made many improvements and adjustments over the past 20 months.  Here is a summary of what he shared with me (thank you to all the Physical Plant crew for all their work on this): 

Shasta College has a mix of constant and demand volume equipment. The majority of our existing buildings have constant volume air handlers which have a blower that get turned on 2-3 hours before classes start. This blower runs constantly all day and into the evening to ensure the occupied buildings are receiving the code required amount of outside air. The newer buildings have demand volume which means the blower is controlled by a device that slows the blower down when temperature set points are met. With both of these types of systems, the blower motor runs continuously throughout the day into the evening. The difference is the demand volume slows the motor down to the point where we are still bringing in enough outside air to meet the code requirements but being more energy efficient.

Pre- pandemic, the filters had a minimum efficiency value (MERV) of 8. Outside air was set to codes minimum requirements. Post pandemic, filters efficiency has increased to MERV 13 with a two-year supply of filters purchased. Outdoor air has been greatly increased to flood the buildings with fresh air. Newer systems are fitted with extra filter banks, not only to assist with the pandemic, but to ensure the cleanliness of indoor air during poor outdoor air (fires) events.

In summary, all building HVAC systems run continuously throughout the day and into the evening. All filters have been upgraded according to the guidelines we have received. All outdoor air dampers have been set to bring in the maximum amount of outside air possible.

So as we continue to adjust over time, I find it reassuring to know that these kinds of improvements have been made. I trust you will have a good weekend. 

Joe Wyse
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96049-6006