The policies and procedures listed below affect the health and wellness of students, faculty, staff and visitors of the Shasta-Trinity-Tehama Joint School District and are within the guidelines of state and federal laws including, but not limited to: the Jeanne Clery Act, Violence Against Women Act, Campus SaVe Act, Title IX, ‘Yes Means Yes’ Affirmative Consent, and Kristin Smart Act.
By visiting the following link, you will be redirected to the Board Policy website and you can review the policies listed below: Board Policies
Board Policies
Reference Policy # and Content
- BP/AP 3430 Prohibition of Unlawful Discrimination or Harassment
- BP 3440 Emergencies
- BP/AP 3500 Campus Safety
- BP/AP 3501 Campus Security and Access
- BP/AP 3503 Missing Student Notification
- BP/AP 3505 Emergency Response
- BP/AP 3515 Reporting of Crimes
- BP/AP 3520 Local Law Enforcement
- BP/AP 3530 Weapons on Campus
- BP/AP 3540 Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
- BP/AP 3550 Drug Free Environment and Drug Free Prevention Program
- BP/AP 3551 Student Drug and Alcohol Testing and Criminal Background Checks
- BP/AP 3560 Alcoholic Beverages
- BP/AP 5520 Student Discipline
- BP/AP 3900 Speech - Time, Place and Manner
- BP/AP 6520 Security of District Property
- BP/AP 6750 Parking
- BP 7600 Campus Security Officers