Heavy Equipment Operations
Accelerate your education with degrees, certificates, and courses in heavy equipment operations, logging operations, and commercial truck driving.
Degrees / Certificates
Map your education by viewing the Academic Plan for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official ed plan.
Heavy Equipment Logging Operations and Maintenance (C)
Training Course / Classes
CONS-140A & CONS 140B Commercial Driver Training
Shasta College Logging and Heavy Equipment

Shasta College Logging and Heavy Equipment Tour 2021 | Join Shasta College instructor John Livingston for a talk and tour of the Shasta College Heavy Equipment Program and then stick around as we hear from Shasta College instructor Rick Boontjer about our exciting Logging program.

Shasta College Truck Driving Tour 2021 | Join us on a tour of the Shasta College Truck Driving program. Join Shasta College Truck Driving instructor Clancy Mitchell as he talks about the path students will take in the Shasta College Truck Driving Program.
Transferring for Bachelor’s Degree
Ready to transfer for a 4-year university or college or want to stay local? Our Transfer Center and BOLD staff are here to guide you!